Title: It Is This I Am: The Inner Mentor
Author: Marshall D. Grayson
Publisher: Author’s Tranquility Press
ISBN: 978-1964362489
Pages: 60
Genre: Self-Help / Spiritual
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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The world can be a truly scary place at times. A world filled with hatred, greed, and violence often permeates the news and makes the world feel unsafe. Finding moments of peace and tranquility can seem like a hard thing in today’s divided world, and yet the pursuit of those moments can often be more peaceful than the end result. Finding the things which bring people together rather than divide them can be a difficult task, but the best things in life often are.

An overall theme of introspection and reflection on life itself drives author Marshall D. Grayson’s It Is This I Am: The Inner Mentor. In his book, the author seeks out a solution to life’s problems, from hunger and ignorance to the violence which can be found within the world’s environment and beyond. Rather than seeking solutions from others however, the answer in the author’s mind is within people instead, suggesting the reader turn inward to seek out a more harmonious path towards unity.

Immediately the author was able to grab the reader’s attention, crafting a wonderful balance of narrative writing style with philosophical introspection. The author presented this technique of looking inward within oneself and the experiences they had through a storyteller’s lens, allowing the reader to get a visual of the moments the author went through to achieve this understanding aspect thanks to an almost cinematic delivery through the use of imagery in the writing style. The creativity in which the author brought these visions and inner dialogues to life was amazing to get lost in, and spoke to the long and extensive inner search for spirituality that most people experience in anyone’s life.

Searching for the heart of this book’s theme, readers who enjoy non-fiction books that employ a creative lens while also delving into spiritual and philosophical debates about one’s place in the Universe and the connection people share to the world and cosmos surrounding them will find themselves instantly drawn to this book. The role the inner self, the mind and the heart play on creation and the direction life takes is remarkably looked at in this book, and the dialogue between the author and “It Is This I Am” is eternally thought provoking, speaking to the readers desire to understand what connects all life and end the division that makes the world feel so oppressive

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