Title: Forgiveness: Another Philosophy Novel
Author: Douglas Thiel
Publisher: Amazon
ISBN: 9798372702936
Pages: 273
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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If there is one thing that people struggle with more than anything else in this life, it’s forgiveness. The act of facing someone who has wronged you, who has done something in your past to affect you in any sort of negative way, and find it within yourself to forgive them for their actions is a human trait that is both highly sought after and yet so difficult to attain. It takes a strong will and inner peace to find that forgiveness, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Forgiveness is a powerful tool which can soothe the struggles of those who want to atone for their past, or those who didn’t even know they needed to. In author Douglas Thiel’s Forgiveness: Another Philosophy Novel, the author tackles this concept in an emotionally charged way. After a young man is confronted with a horrific trauma, the decision to enlist during the Vietnam War sends him on a path of conflict, struggle, and the search for peace. After facing the horrors of war, he continues his path through the LAPD, where he finds a sense of duty and eventually love. Yet as he pursues his passion for philosophy, his estranged father’s sudden passing will force him to confront his past and discover the path of forgiveness for himself.

A truly emotional and insightful novel, the author writes with honesty and thoughtful contemplation. The events of the protagonist’s life speak to the horrors of war and the horrors which life often has waiting for people, some worse than others, and yet through determination to let forgiveness into one’s heart, a person can find that peace that has eluded them for so long. Pete, or “Petie” as he becomes known as, endures lots of hardship and struggle throughout the book, with the events of his late teens not only defining his life, but the relationships he holds with his family, especially his little sister Sabrina.

The author was able to craft a narrative which felt authentic, impactful, and spoke to those who have endured trauma at the hands of others. Readers who enjoy genre fiction works, especially those that fuse historical fiction and drama within the narrative, will instantly become enthralled with this story, connecting with the protagonist and the cast of supporting characters that surround Pete’s life. The bond he forms with Angie and the shocking events that finally bring his family together again will stay with readers long after the book ends. If you haven’t already, readers should pick up their own copy of this incredible historical fiction novel today!

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