Title: The Lawyer and the Astronaut
Author: Jerry Lucas
Publisher: Jerry Lucas Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-962730-16-7
Genre: Romance
Pages: 269
Reviewer: Margie Przybylski
Pacific Book Review
In author Jerry Lucas’ The Lawyer and the Astronaut, two suddenly unemployed former colleagues find themselves in a near penniless dilemma. Josh – unable to hold a job for very long, and Laura fired unexpectedly by a pretentious boss. Sparks fly over a spontaneous lunch date – one thing leads to another, and Josh is soon proposing to Laura. What’s the rush? As the title suggests; Josh is about to become an astronaut and embark on a space mission. Without any family to speak of, the best thing he can do to secure his salary on Earth while he is in space is to get married. Strapped for cash, or madly in love – Laura says yes.
The fast-paced, thrilling romantic drama makes Lucas’ romance so fun to read. There’s heart throbbing romantic longing while Josh and Laura literally spend light years away from one another. While Josh is in space – in an entirely new world, he faces a multitude of challenges, almost utterly alone. He continues to make rash decisions in the name of survival.
Lucas’ research and knowledge of space exploration, gravity, and astronomy is evident throughout the course of the novel. Any creative liberty he took with scientific ideology and concepts was done in good taste as it all read credibly. Despite the stirring plot, Josh’s down-to-earth character makes everything that happens in the book appear genuine. Laura, while at first glance perhaps a little naïve, proves herself as a loyal and dedicated wife not only in the beginning when she agrees to freeze herself for the duration of Josh’s space journey, but also upon waking where she must defend Josh on trial for his actions while in space.
Lucas’ space journey thriller makes for an interesting scenery for a romance novel. The plot keeps readers fully engaged throughout the length of the book. Relatable and loyal characters make for a breath of fresh air. Laura’s role as the faithful heroine is particularly assuring in a society where becoming a wife and being a partner is becoming less attractive. Josh faces several moral dilemmas throughout his journey in space, forcing readers to come face to face with human nature and ponder what they might do in such a situation.
The Lawyer and the Astronaut achieves a universal relatability, even while taking place in a world understood by very few people. From the very beginning of the book, readers may find themselves a little shocked at the turn of events. However, even while what happens on the page seems totally unrealistic, the characters bring credibility, allowing readers to experience a whirlwind of romance and drama. This book is the right amount of lighthearted to solemn, and can be read by men and women alike, another benefit of Lucas’ down-to-earth cast of characters. The Lawyer and the Astronaut is a unique novel that will appeal to readers who enjoy thrillers, space sagas, and romance books.