Title: Settling (A Novel)
Author: Andrea J. King 
Publisher: WP Lighthouse
ISBN: 979-8895185032
Pages: 202
Genre: Fiction/ Contemporary
Reviewed by: Alyssa Avina

Read Interview

Author Interview with Andrea J. King

Today, Pacific Book reviewer Allysa Avina is talking with Andrea J. King  , author of Settling.

PBR:  Settling is a thought-provoking title. Can you share the inspiration behind it and how it reflects the themes of the novel?

When we lack self-assurance and/or self-esteem, we tend to settle for people and things that we feel are the best we can do or the best we deserve. Settling is the story of a woman who stays in an unfulfilling marriage for years because she didn’t realize she deserved better.

PBR:  What sparked the idea for Settling, and how did the story evolve during the writing process?

Settling is based on my own life and 28-year marriage. The first several chapters were copied from computer to computer for nearly 20 years. I would write a few lines or paragraphs and then hit a wall. I found it too difficult to write the story while I was yet living it; the emotions were too raw. It was only after my divorce and a few years of healing that I was able to sit down and finish the book.

PBR:  Without giving too much away, what central message or feeling do you hope readers take away from Settling?

Basically, NEVER SETTLE! Understand that we are all worthy of being loved correctly and there is someone somewhere who is willing and able to do that. Every individual needs to develop a sense of self-worth, set boundaries, and discover what our “deal breakers” are. Never lose sight of those things or set them aside for the sake of having a relationship with someone.

PBR:  What challenges do the characters in Settling face, and how do these challenges mirror real-life struggles?

Candace is a successful career woman with a good heart, but she is naïve and lacking in self-esteem. She believes having a husband validates her in some way. Besides, she needs to be needed; she is a giver by nature. This allows her to be taken advantage of by Trey, who is immature, irresponsible and has a narcissistic streak a mile wide. He needs someone willing to pick up the slack in all the areas where he’s lacking; he is a taker.

This type of co-dependent relationship is all too common and quite toxic. The giver/enabler gets worn down financially, physically and emotionally, but the taker never gets tired of taking. The only time they will reciprocate is to appease their enabler to prolong the relationship.

PBR:  Can you describe your writing routine while working on this novel? Did it differ from how you approached your previous works?

I forced myself to sit down and write at least two thousand words each evening after work. I took photos of my laptop screen and posted them on my Facebook author page. I asked my followers to hold me accountable if I didn’t post photos every day of my progress. What had taken me 20 years to get going was finished in a month’s time.

Publishing my poetry was much easier because I already had the poems written and only had to assemble them into book format.

PBR:  Do you see any of yourself in the characters or the decisions they make in the story?

Absolutely! Settling is based on my life and my quest for self-esteem.

PBR:  What authors or works have influenced your style of writing or storytelling for this novel?

I love Terry MacMillan novels, but I am, in general, a fan of what I call “faith-based, sistah girlfriend” stories. I love books that explore how one’s faith and friendships can be tested while facing personal struggles.

PBR:  If Settling were to be adapted into a film or series, who would you envision in the lead roles?

I could see Viola Davis as Candace and Michael Ealy as Trey.

PBR:  What’s next for you as an author? Are you working on any new projects that readers can look forward to?

I am currently working on a sequel to Settling, which focuses more on the relationship between Candace and her best friend, J.C. I see now that I am going to have to force myself to sit down and get it done despite all the things I have going on in my life now.

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