Title: Stanley Brambles and the Lost City
Author: Owen Spendlove
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-4917-7866-1
Pages: 367
Genres: Young adult, fantasy, action/adventure

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Stanley Brambles and the Lost City is the second book in Owen Spendlove's Stanley Brambles series, picking up a few months after the conclusion of Stanley Brambles and the Pirate's Treasure. Thirteen-year-old Stanley Brambles has returned to his normal, boring life in the sleepy town of East Stodgerton. School will be starting again soon, and his incredible adventure on the high seas of Terra already feels like a distant memory. Stanley has all the problems of a normal kid his age--homework, bullies, vindictive teachers, unrequited crushes--but he is also troubled by dreams: Horrible nightmares, and visions of a mysterious giant blue crystal floating high above a distant jungle... The crystal is very important--of this, Stanley is certain, but what it is it, really? Where is it? how is he supposed to find it? As fate would have it, Stanley and his friends are once again suddenly and unexpectedly uprooted from their normal, boring lives, and cast back into the wilds of Terra. This time, their adventures will take them into the dark and dangerous jungles of Verduria, the Green Continent, in search of the Lost City of Quetzal'Khan, the rumored home of a certain giant floating crystal, and of an evil power that is slowly corrupting the jungle.
About the Author

Owen Spendlove loves to read, and is a rabid fan of fantasy and science fiction, and his writing career can be traced all the way back to his fourth-grade creative writing class, when he completed his first sci-fi epic, ‘Planet of the Slugs’. It was six pages long, and not very good.

Since that time, Spendlove has refined his craft, and has set out to make his mark on the world of young adult fantasy.
He currently lives in Ottawa, Canada with his fiancee and their pug, Lily.