Title: A Gift for Mrs. B
Author: Brenda Bittle Bucher
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781796073119
Genre: Time Travel Romances
Reviewed by: Rae C. Bernard

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Time travel sounds like something out of a science-fiction or some kind of fantasy. To have that ability to live life differently and to have the chance to seek out more from life could be something everyone is seeking but afraid to admit. Living life doesn’t have to seem like survival, we only have one life and should be making the best of every moment. The experiences of life are what scratches the surface in living, it is up to us to put our thoughts and dreams into action while we still can. If you had an opportunity to travel back in time, would you? By having that as an option, certainly, most people would take all the knowledge they know now and apply it back in time as a second chance.

In A Gift for Mrs. B, author Brenda Bittle Bucher shares the perspective of individuals’ lives that have experienced some form of time travel. We’re introduced to several characters that recently experienced a rough patch in their lives, yet they all share a common secret. To wake up in an alternative reality and discovering that you have jumped either forward or backward in time would seem scary. What most realized after they overcame confusion, was they were meant to experience life through different lenses. The common object throughout these time travels was an antique locket that was passed down from one generation to another, for it to the end up in various places such as on the beach shore and in an antique shop. Every female character that came in contact with the locket jumped through time and learned how to adjust in their “new” lives. The inscription of the locket “God knows your heart,” proves that the locket might be a special tool to assist people in receiving the blessings they hold close to their hearts. Each of these women was able to find their true love and live an alternative happy life, despite the life that had abruptly left. As you read this book, you get a sense of relief that although they suffered from a terrible event in their individual lives, there was hope for them in their newer lifetime. Happiness and love shouldn’t be difficult to find, but unfortunately, it is and many won’t get to experience either.

While reading this book, I felt so much happiness and joy for all the characters that experienced some type of loss or terrible news, to have an overall second chance for their even newer future. They met the woman/man they truly deserved to be with even though it wasn’t during their current lifetime. I was completely in awe when the eldest character, Meredith, goes from eighty-eight years old and forgetful, to back in time as a twenty-five-year-old version of herself and fulfilling her talents in the medical field. That brought a smile to my face because we never truly realize just how someone else is living, what they’re going through in their own life, and she was a loner who got to relive out true love. The author did a phenomenal job at crafting this writing piece to fit a narrative that our heart’s desire can be granted to us by God, no matter what it is. It is true that not everyone would be able to encounter and experience true love in their lifetime, but if granted a second chance to live happily ever after, I’m sure many would choose that option. I really enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it to everyone who needs to read a heart-warming story.

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