Title: A Light In The Darkness
Author: Rian McMurtry
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796041798
Pages: 254
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

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Young adult science fiction and fantasy books are far more prevalent in today’s pop culture than they were just a couple of decades ago, and because of that, it seems as if it is difficult to take a new approach in the genre that others have not done before. But author Rian McMurtry accomplished that when he wrote the next book in his current series, titled A Light In The Darkness. It is not often that you hear of a story that details the life of a teenage girl learning the art of necromancy from the necromancer who saved her life from an evil vampire, but that is precisely the story that is unfolding in this book.

This tale follows Angela Fujiwara and her trials and tribulations of learning magic and necromancy, as well as the many ins and outs of this unbelievable power she is working to hone. Seth is the necromancer who saved her life and thus is teaching her his ways after she expressed her extreme interest in learning how he protected her, and even saved her from certain death. There is a large cast of characters in this book which all act as wonderful supporting characters to our heroine, Angela; all of whom have their own mystical powers they have worked hard to perfect. Angela, however, is keeping the secret of her magical lessons from her parents as well as some of her friends, which only leads to further trouble in her path to achieving the seemingly impossible.

This is a fast-paced novel that has twists and turns all throughout. Any young adult reader who is a fan of the fantasy genre would greedily consume this story as it was told with all of the mentions of magical powers including telepathy and teleportation as well as the detailed spells and incantations performed by the group Angela finds herself in during her apprenticeship with Seth and his mystical comrades. By the end of the book, Angela’s burgeoning powers will be put to the ultimate test and the climax will certainly leave you on the edge of your seat.

The writing itself showcases an author with true talent who expertly weaves their way through an entertaining and fascinating story. You immerse yourself in the characters’ world and feel as though you don’t want to leave it, which is always the sign of a truly gifted author. Don’t sleep on this book — grab your copy of A Light In The Darkness by Rian McMurtry!

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