Title: A Tale of Two Cats
Author: Diane Eaton
Publisher: Archway
ISBN: 978-1480850149
Pages: 116
Genre: Children’s Cat Books/Children’s Books/Animals
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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Humanity’s love of animals has always been an integral part of our society. Whether you are a dog person, a cat person, or any other animal person, most people have some sort of animal that they love and cherish as a part of their own family. One animal that has not only become a beloved family pet but was once revered by entire societies is the cat. As Jules Verne once said, “I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.”

In author Diane Eaton’s A Tale of Two Cats, the author tells the story of two cats, one older and one a kitten, who find themselves in a new home. Bingo is an older cat who prefers to lay in sun spots and help his dad drive his truck, while the younger Buddy is a kitten who seeks adventure and the outdoors. The two are at odds as they are thrown into one adventure after another, but soon find themselves uniting the neighborhood together in the process.

The author has crafted a powerful story for young readers. The story packs an emotional punch early on as the older Bingo is desperate to find a home before it’s too late, and soon shifts into the momentous journey to be with his true parents before he is forced to take Buddy under his wing. The relationship between the two cats is both humorous and heartwarming, and young readers will really respond to the depth of storytelling intermingled with fun artwork throughout the narrative.

This is the perfect book for young children, parents and teachers alike, as well as anyone who has a cat as a pet. As someone who has two cats of his own, it was very relatable to read the misadventures these characters got in to. Readers are going to find the lessons the author imparts throughout this narrative both impactful yet subtle, allowing the story to shine brightly as well as the characters.

A beautiful story of family, friendship and finding common ground, author Diane Eaton’s A Tale of Two Cats is a must-read children’s book for any child or parent/teacher. The story is filled with a large cast of characters, crafts an imaginative story that feels like an animated movie waiting to happen, and is sure to bring children and their parents/teachers closer together. Be sure to grab your copy today!