Title: A Throne of Her Own
Author: Hayley Van Duyn
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1665544443
Pages: 24
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Fiction
Reviewed by: Michaela Gordoni

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A Throne of Her Own by Hayley Van Duyn is a book about Lahn Lang, a young girl with a positive attitude who loves dogs and gets around by using a wheelchair. One day, while out on a walk, Lahn sees a black dog with a leash and no owner in sight. She checks his tag and knows she needs to take him to his home. And she certainly does take him home- to a castle! The king and queen who live there are very grateful to Lahn for finding their dog. They try to give her a large reward, but Lahn refuses to accept it and asks for the reward to go to her mother instead. Lahn then meets the prince of the castle, Wesley, who has some wheels too- a skateboard. The king and queen mention that Wesley is struggling with his studies and Lahn graciously offers to help him out. Lahn and Wesley soon become good friends, and Wesley teaches Lahn how to dance in time for his family’s ball. The story ends with Wesley and Lahn together, married, and living happily ever after.

I find it really refreshing when I come across inclusive children’s books like this one. My best friend since childhood is differently abled, and I know that everyone should have an understanding of the importance of inclusiveness. Growing up and now, it was and is very hard to see how other people, both children and adults, have mistreated her. Encouraging children at young ages to have compassion and understanding of inclusivity is really needed all around the world.

I think this is a good book for any kid ages 4 to 8 and would love to see more books like this one widely and globally available. A Throne of Her Own is a creative book that I hope will be translated into numerous languages and be read by many.

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