Title: According to Your Word Lord, I Pray
Author: Louis McCall
Publisher: Louis Mccall International
ISBN: 978-0768407273
Pages: 208
Genre: Christian Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Rahul

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Imagine this book as a recipe book, but instead of cooking a meal, you’re trying to build a stronger connection with God. The author, Louis McCall, shares his special recipe for prayer. This recipe might have ingredients you already know, like thanking God and asking for things you need. But it might also have unique steps, like “decreeing” your desires based on what the Bible says God wants for you.

The main theme of the book is the power of prayer based on scripture. The author says prayer, based on God’s Word, is necessary for experiencing God’s power, purpose, and provision in your life. The book is full of scripture references like Romans 10:17, which says “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ,” and Acts 4:29, which says we need boldness to declare God’s truth. These verses show us we need to hear and declare God’s Word to build faith.

It delves into various topics relevant to a Christian’s spiritual journey, such as the concept of being joint heirs with Christ. This means that, as believers, we share in the blessings and inheritance of Jesus. Louis emphasizes that prayer is the glue that holds our connection with God together. It’s like a two-way street: we talk to God, ask for direction, and try to get on the same page with him. The book even mentions spiritual struggles, where prayer and the Bible become our tools to fight through tough times. He notes, “I engage in spiritual warfare and conquer through God… I bind and cast down to the pit demonic strongmen, spiritual principalities, and rulers of darkness in high places.”

This book is like a roadmap for prayer. Each chapter builds on the one before it, taking you step-by-step to stronger communication with God. The author, Louis McCall, is super positive and makes his ideas clear, so even if you’re new to prayer or haven’t prayed much, you’ll get something out of it. The clear headings, summaries, and reflection questions help readers think deeply about what they’ve read and put it into practice.

According to Your Word Lord, I Pray might provoke debate regarding the emphasis on the spoken word and its power, which some might associate with the prosperity gospel. The author, however, continually roots his arguments in scripture and emphasizes the significance of praying according to God’s will, thus tempering this bias. The book is appropriate for new believers and seasoned Christians alike who want to better grasp the dynamics of God’s word. It challenges us to rethink our prayer practices and think about how changing what we say in light of God’s words can transform us.

According to Your Word Lord, I Pray by Louis McCall is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their prayer life and deepen their relationship with God.  Whether you’re a seasoned believer or new to the practice of prayer, this book offers wisdom and encouragement that can help you grow spiritually and live a more victorious life.

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