Title: Adam And Eve: The Rest of the Story-Secrets from the Ancient Wisdom of the Jews
Author: Rabbi Boruch David
Publisher: PageTurner, Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1638718192
Pages: 174
Genre: Religion
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

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A person’s approach to spirituality and faith is a very personal and private thing which cannot be replicated in others, only defined by their own beliefs. For some, communing with nature and the world around them is enough for the stability of their faith. For others, a desire to seek answers and understand long-standing texts is another. To understand and decipher these ancient texts for any faith is a tremendous task, and being able to find the meaning and intention behind each story told within these texts is often a lifelong pursuit for some people on their spiritual journeys.

In author Rabbi Boruch David’s Adam And Eve: The Rest of the Story-Secrets from the Ancient Wisdom of the Jews, the author takes readers on an intimate journey to explore the history and story of Adam and Eve through the Torah for Nations. Utilizing historical and biblical text with narrative conversations developed based on this information by the author between God, Adam, Eve & the Serpent, the author hopes to weave in traditional Jewish philosophy and explore key concepts of traditional Jewish belief such as creation and the purpose of existence.

This is an insightful and educational read. The author did an amazing job of weaving the more dialogue-forward, narrative-style storytelling with the study and educational aspects of the religious texts and the analytical nature of the book’s concept all at once. The origins of Adam and Eve’s story within a religious sense was explored at great length, and kept the reader invested as the narrative became so intricately tied into the known history and biblical knowledge that had already been gained by scholars and religious leaders.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy religious reads, especially a combination of fictional narrative based upon non-fiction biblical studies and history. The book is also perfect for non-fiction and faith-based readers who want a deeper understanding of Jewish culture and philosophy, as well as the study of the Old Testament. The author did a fantastic job of thoroughly exploring the history and culture, which is something I personally am fascinated by.

Thought provoking, engaging, and brilliantly written, author Rabbi Boruch David’s Adam And Eve: The Rest of the Story-Secrets from the Ancient Wisdom of the Jews is a must-read book for all religious and faith-based readers. The balance of creative storytelling with educational and teachable lessons learned from long-standing religious texts make this a very well-balanced book that readers will be hard pressed to put down.


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