Title: Amballore Thoma
Author: Jose Thekkumthala
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1669843443
Pages: 250
Genre: Contemporary Drama / Urban Fantasy
Reviewed by: Ephantus M.

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Amballore Thoma is a charming story and the second edition by California based physicist, Joseph Thekkumthala. A bright and blissful wedding milieu between two lovers, Thoma and Anna, opens the curtains to an interesting pageant and gest that begs to inspire and answer queries on the balance of life through juggling tons of responsibilities, personalities, and feelings.

Ann’s mother is sad about the decision to choose Thoma for her daughter in marriage and for this reason she has no certitude in the espousal. Thoma’s character is disreputable in all aspects, from taunting his mother-in-law to razzing his new wife on the wedding day. His demeanor is far from decent as it brims with satire and jeer throughout the read, but unlike him, his wife Anna is the contrary. She is stoical and gentle, a character that is praiseworthy in both word and deed.

The plot revolves around their iffy marriage, hilarious promises, nonsensical jokes, and life’s uncertainties ranging from fist fights with siblings who want a share of Thoma’s wealth that he industriously worked hard to acquire, to siring innumerable children whose names the couple has interestingly no cognizance of. Attempts by the protagonist to take matters into his own hands only land him into misery and eviction through a harsh court verdict that leaves him and his wife begging for shelter and food.

Things exacerbate further when a rather spooky and uninvited guest forces his way into his house, sending Thoma’s family into a frozen state. The scene is likened to having a slithering reptile in the house that won’t back down without a fight. A man who will tussle anyone including his landlord, and one who blames his wife for everything including the existence of biting insects is about to have it rough with this callous assailant. Readers won’t wait to masticate through the chapters of this riveting tale that grips from beginning to end, through striking narration and terrific recital that dazzles, laced with clever quotes from famous writers that add depth and continuity to an alluring plot.

Thekkumthala’s writing style is original and pleasant, as flaunted by the clear-cut language that fits so well into this book’s genre and pattern. It is a five-star publication with a well-developed setting, a thought-provoking and entertaining motif, drawing to a satisfying conclusion that confirms the author’s tour de force creative and writing skills.

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