Title: American Requiem: How the Left is Destroying America
Author: George Hassel
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1665554169
Genre: Politics
Pages: 352
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert
Pacific Book Review
Seeking to provide a concise picture of what is tearing at the very fabric of this country’s political, judicial, and economic wellbeing, author George Hassel’s American Requiem: How the Left is Destroying America presents his passionate view of the current status of affairs in the United States. Within this work he shares a compilation of his impassioned essays on the causes and effects of the demise of this country at large.
Absolutely a stark attention-grabbing, ire raising work, which flows with an alarm-raising, venomous tone and meanwhile fueled by powerful conviction, author Hassel brings into focus what he references as a noted movement towards socialism through our government which either through devious intention or utter stupidity allows corrupt politics, politicians, and liberalist policies to destroy the very sovereignty of this country.
Altogether, this is an integrally mind-rattling book, offering an organized presentation of compiled essays, each one a literate but enraged visit to a particular topic, analyzed and explored in-depth while frequently accompanied by supporting statics, graphs, and often offering a historical overview as well. The book in its entirety contains six sections. Each section addresses a particular topic to which author Hassel focuses on through relevant narratives of raw and unfettered discourse as supporting arguments.
Section 1. Fundamentals does well in setting the tone for the book as the author’s mindset comes out straight – no chaser. Covering topics such as Multicultural Time Bomb, Illegal immigration Myth, English is our Language, Right?, Term Limits, Political Campaigns, Climate Change the Big Hoax, Islam Myths and Reality, and Political Correctness; culminates into the general rhetoric that is prevalent throughout the book; that there are malefactors noted by some citizens which they believe is leading to a bad end for the U.S. and through this book author Hassel is urging those who agree with such sentiments to take action. The remainder of the book, Section 2: The End of the Beginning, Section 3: The Interregnum, Section 4: The War on Trump, Section 5: The beginning of the End and Section 6: Our Herculean Challenge rounds out author George Hassel’s perspective on this country’s loss of power and sovereignty with a multitude of additional compositions which expound on his beliefs, also including the topics of 9/11, inefficient Presidents, MSM, rigged elections and more. Furthermore, at the end of several essays, author George Hassel also lists steps on the ways in which he believes each issue could be correctly addressed by concerned citizens.
In conclusion, the subject matter in American Requiem sparked moments of intense emotion in me, as I am sure it would for others as well. I found the overall read of this book to be xenophobic at best. While this book may seem like a well-researched document, because of the added charts, statistics, etc., there are also some instances, where the author comes across as a racist just without using directed pejoratives. Now, everyone has the right to free speech, voicing their opinion/beliefs, and within American Requiem author George Hassel does just that, making this is a work that the reader will either hate or love depending on your personal views on the United States government, the people residing here and life in this country.