Title: Angels Unaware
Author: Melisa Calcote
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: ‎ 9781514424957
Pages: 48
Genre: Faith/Fiction
Reviewer: Lee Brown

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“God please look over them and protect them.” This is the prayer of Sarah, wife of Captain Rob Lewis, one of the main protagonists of this gripping and inspirational work of fiction. Rob is in charge of a fishing trawler named the Whistler and as the story begins, we follow him and his crew as they set out on their latest expedition. We already know the fishing voyage might be a dangerous one because of Sarah’s prayerful concern. As expected, it’s not long before Rob and his crew experience real peril when the stormy waves below cause one of the men to fall overboard into the murky depths of the sea.

As you might expect from the book’s title, Angels Unaware is not a simple survival story about the plight of a group of fishermen when they experience the merciless wrath of the ocean. Admittedly, there are times when you will be reminded of The Perfect Storm which told another story about a fishing crew’s battle to survive on the ocean during an intense storm. But Calcote’s book is less a tale of man vs. the elements and more a story about faith. While the narrative is tense and exciting as the fishermen show great courage in the face of danger, the book takes a turn for the spiritual when unexpected help arrives in the form of an angel.

Those of a Christian faith will have no trouble believing in the existence of angels. They might even have experience of these spiritual protectors themselves. The term ‘Guardian Angel’ is bandied around a lot, even by non-Christians, but those familiar with the Bible will know that it is the duty of God’s angels to watch over and protect those who call on a Heavenly aid. As it says in Psalm 91: For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.

It’s this notion that becomes the driving force of Calcote’s story. This fishing crew is familiar with God’s word due to the faith they profess. When an angel shows up as they need help the most, they have no doubt they have experienced what some would consider to be a miracle. Don’t worry though. You don’t have to be a Christian to enjoy Angels Unaware. While it hinge’s around the faith of a courageous fishing crew, it’s also a dramatic work of fiction which will satisfy those looking for an adventurous seafaring tale. That isn’t to say the book is set entirely at sea, however. Much of the story is land-based, with insight into the lives of the fishing crew’s families, so this is as much a domestic drama as it is a book about an ocean adventure.

Angels Unaware isn’t a long book so you may be able to complete it in one or two sittings. And complete it you should, as Calcote’s story is very engaging. Christians will appreciate the religious themes and Biblical references, but this is still worth reading for those without a faith due to the suspenseful survival elements and engaging family dramas. As such, the book comes highly recommended. Christian or not, Angels Unawares might give you cause to call on spiritual help if you are currently experiencing real or metaphorical troubled waters.  Angels Unaware serves as a reminder that even in the most challenging times, faith and unexpected kindness can lead to hope and redemption.

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