Title: Annihilation
Author: Kaylin Mcfarren
Publisher: Creative Edge Publishing
ISBN: 9781685640569
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 493
Reviewed by: Arthur Thares

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Imagine a mixture of the TV show Supernatural and the book Fifty Shades of Grey, and you have a pretty good idea of what you can expect from Annihilation. That is not to say that this book is a knock-off of either; it is entirely in a league of its own. Before you make a snap judgment, you will want to hear a bit more about the unique story that is Annihilation.

This is the second book in a series, so it picks up with many of the same characters from the first book. While you don’t have to read Soul Seeker, it will help you get your bearings in this story. The first book’s characters serve as a catalyst, but this story is generational, so they are just a few of the many interesting beings you meet along the way.

The novel is packed with characters who are often changing allegiances, so it can be challenging to keep up with in some instances. However, as the story progresses and chips start to fall into place, you get a sense of everyone’s allegiances no matter what the characters say. Annihilation is definitely an 18+ novel with plenty of violence and graphic relationships, but that is all part of the larger overarching story of Angels, Demons, and Humans coexisting in the same plane.

It is noteworthy that author Kaylin Mcfarren’s characters are beautifully fleshed out in more ways than one. The author spares no words describing her characters inside and out, giving you a deeper connection. With so much going on in the story, you need this level of connection to follow the thread. However, with a coming apocalypse and angles and demons at odds, there is a lot at stake, and you may lose one of your favorites along the way.

Mcfarren is an accomplished writer, and you don’t have to look at her catalog of books to know that. Few writers can publish a nearly 500-page book, and even fewer can keep one interesting from front to back. She is a master of description to a somewhat uncomfortable level, and if you love supernatural romance, you will soak up every word of this book.

There is definitely a niche market for Annihilation, but Kaylin Mcfarren knows that and plays to her audience. Once you start this story, you won’t want to stop, and you shouldn’t because she keeps you on the hook until the last paragraph. There is little doubt that there will be a third installment in this series, and it will be as exhilarating as this one is.

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