Title: Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For
Author: Dr. Kimberly Harms
Publisher: Muse Literary
ISBN: ‎ 978-1960876188
Pages: 300
Genre: Self-help
Reviewed by: Lee Brown

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Death isn’t a subject many of us want to broach. Not only is it challenging to face the possibility of our own demise but it’s also difficult to consider the passing of those we are closest to. This is something author Dr. Kimberly Harms addresses in her book Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For. She understands how hard it can be to stare mortality in the face but she also knows how to address the topic that many people shy away from.

Dr. Harms has experienced the pain of losing the people closest to her. She shares her suffering throughout the pages of this book with personal stories which are achingly heartbreaking but not without hope. Through her own journey and the journeys of those she has met during her travels through life, she explores the topic of grief with insight into how we might manage it. She doesn’t suggest grief is easy to get over but she concludes by coming to terms with death and the chance of an afterlife (the author is a Christian), it is possible to find healing, even in the darkest of places.

The book is split into three stages. Part One is about legacy – the legacy we can leave behind with the example we set in our lives and the legacies others can leave to inspire us. We can’t change our pasts, the author tells us, but we can “control the opportunities we have today to improve things.” If we can take steps to lead a satisfying life and bring happiness to others, we can make the most of our time in the world and negate death’s sting; or so Dr. Harms alludes. This first part of the book is very personal, with stories which are sometimes sad but never without a positive outlook on life and how we deal with mortality.

Part Two leans into some of Dr. Harm’s religious beliefs as she asks the question – Is death a grim or a gentle reaper? As she outlines her outlook on the matter, she builds a case that death doesn’t have to be feared if we can believe in the concept of the afterlife. As a Christian myself, I could relate to her beliefs, though it’s important to note the author doesn’t push her faith onto the readers. Instead, she outlines her views on life after death and encourages us all to be open about the possibility that death isn’t as finite as some of us might think.

Part 3 is extremely practical. After all of Dr. Harm’s philosophical musings and personal encounters with death, she gives us a comprehensive checklist of everything we need to do before we die. Some suggestions on the list are likely to be things you have considered already – making a will, funeral planning, life insurance plans – but there are a few surprise inclusions too, such as the passing on of family recipes and writing a legacy letter. If you weren’t ready to die before reading this last section, you certainly will be after you have  off everything the author discusses. Some people will be tempted to jump to these closing chapters due to their practicality. But as Dr. Harm’s book is more than just a workbook of ‘things to do,’ time should be spent pondering on everything else she has to say about living life and facing up to dying.

Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For by Dr. Kimberly Harms is a valuable resource that gently guides readers through the often-overwhelming process of preparing for death. It is a compassionate, insightful, and practical guide that not only helps individuals navigate end-of-life issues but also enriches their experience of living. It is a compassionate, insightful, and practical resource that helps individuals create a meaningful legacy while navigating the complexities of end-of-life planning. This book is highly recommended for anyone seeking to lead a purposeful life and leave behind a positive, enduring impact.

This book is a beacon of light in the often-shadowed conversation about death and planning.

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