Title: Aspirations — Earning Fantastic Income With Your Imaginative Photography
Author: Raymond J. Klein
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1-63871-464-4
Pages: 148
Genre: Photography, Small Business
Reviewed By: Susan Brown
Pacific Book Review
Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” But when imagination and knowledge are combined, it’s an unbeatable combination. This is the lens the author uses to throw light on how to become a professionally paid photographer.
His career began at a time when photographs played a huge role in showcasing activities, nature, travel and events around the world in magazines, periodicals and advertising. Photographers were highly skilled and the profession was well-respected and held in high regard. Mr. Klein, at an early age, was so captivated by this vocation it became a life-long calling.
This book is not only a recounting of his award-winning career, but is also a practical blueprint of how to become a successful, professional photographer. When Mr. Klein began his career, film photography was the standard so there is considerable information on the technical aspects of using a SLR (single lens reflex) camera. Lighting, perspective, aperture, exposure and the development of film is explored and analyzed. Mr. Klein includes examples of his work that highlight his process of getting “the shot.” Additionally, he identifies ways to recreate much of his work in the, now prevalent, digital format.
There is also a historical component to this book relevant to the unfolding advertising industry. Much of Mr. Klein’s professional work was commissioned by ad agencies, company ad departments and newspaper art directors. Details about how photo assignments are commissioned and how to set-up and capture images at a photo shoot are discussed, as well as potential earnings for these types of endeavors.
Mr. Klein stresses that eager photographers must have a thorough understanding and knowledge of the industry and equipment, whether it’s film or digital, to create a profitable career. He includes a16-step list identifying how someone new to the profession can discover value in photographic imagery. At the top of the list, he encourages photographers to be innovative. Perhaps his most important advice to up-and-coming photographers, though, is to “Explore your mind and release that imagination!”
Throughout his career, the author won numerous awards and contests, was recognized professionally for his exceptional work and exhibited in a number of galleries. He achieved a Master of Photography Degree, awarded by the Professional Photographers of America to photographers who exhibit superior photographic skills.
His final recommendations: Be Prepared, Be Daring, Be Dramatic, Be Dynamic! Experiment! Experiment! Experiment! Aspire to use your imagination! Worthwhile advice to anyone embarking on a new career.