Title: A Successful Failure: The Complete Series
Author: Okisha Jackson
Publisher: ASF Book Series Company
ISBN: 9780692481165
Pages: 298
Genre: Spiritual/Inspirational

Read Author Interview

Author Interview Questions for Okisha Jackson

Interviewed by:  Tiffany Ezuma


8247058About the Author

Okisha Jackson is a redeemed woman of God.  She is a military brat, an army veteran, a minister, a doctoral learner, and a proud caretaker to her mother and three sons. Her passion is providing exhortation and sound counsel effectively to broken people through her writing, sharing her testimonies, listening, and engaging in strategic prayer.


Today we are talking to Okisha Jackson, author of  “A Successful Failure: The Complete Series.”

PBR:  Why did you feel compelled to write this book when you did? Was it a daunting task to take on?

I was led by the presence of my faith to write this inspirational story. It was such a strong conviction to share with everyone who will read it how real and good my God is.


PBR:  Was it daunting?

There were plenty times during this process I felt it was daunting. The periods I felt this way the most was in the beginning of the book because I had a lot to learn about being a professional writer, publisher, and cover designer. I didn’t know how difficult it could be because I love to write. I was also unaware of the kind of dedication it would take to get to know this business while balancing my life as a single parent, a caretaker to my mother, and a graduate learner.


PBR:  Why did you decide to write a fictional character instead of writing a more straightforward memoir?

I really wanted to write it as a memoir because the characters life (Shauna) is parallel to mine. The reason I didn’t was for legal protection, however, if the reader feels the story is non-fiction, I believe they will get there answer on the very last page.


PBR:  Were there any books/movies/plays etc. that inspired your writing style?

Yes! I love entertainment and designing because it’s all art. I drew inspiration from many sources to a small degree. As an author, I wanted to write for God’s glory without being religious. Through the years, I’ve focused on being as real as I can be with God’s influence.


PBR:  What would you say to a reader who might be on the fence about religion that would convince them to give your book or other books about spirituality a try?

I would reference my book as “true-fiction”. I would share briefly about how I used to be a non-believer and testify how Jesus made my life better. Once I share the choice is theirs, but I walk away happy because I know that’s what I’m called to do.


PBR:  What do you want readers to take away from reading the novel?

I want people to know that believing in God doesn’t stop bad things from happening to us and we all have made some pretty bad decisions, but God is always there to forgive, love, deliver, and help us if we choose him. Because Jesus died for us and became our advocate we have access to God our father and as an heir in the kingdom of God there is no horrible life situation that can keep us bound. We can move forward and have victory just like Shauna.


PBR:  Were there other titles you considered for the book, or did “A Successful Failure” always stand out to you?

A Successful Failure always stood out from the very beginning. I’ve changed the book many times, but I knew the title would remain. There are people out there like myself who have always been counted out, rejected, and discounted. Who’ve struggled with low self–esteem or feel like there never good enough for great things in life. When you feel like this you’ll make poor choices and the consequences will come looking for you, but if you call on Jesus with sincerity he will fix whatever the problem is. We all have failures, but we can also have success which transforms us all to becoming a successful failure.

To learn more about “A Successful Failure: The Complete Series” please read the review at: Pacific Book Review