Author: Joan Pastor, PhD
Title: Success as an Introvert for Dummies
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
ISBN: 978-118-73837-5
Pages: 303, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Non-fiction/Self Help/Business/Psychology

Author Interview with Joan Pastor, PhD

Author Interview with Joan Pastor, PhD

Interviewed by: Suzanne Gattis, Pacific Book Review


Today we’re talking with Joan Pastor, PhD , author of Success as an Introvert for Dummies.

PBR: What made you go into the field of Organizational and Clinical Psychology?

I have always loved to watch people grow and to see their “light bulb” moments.


PBR: If you had to pick one, are you an extrovert or an introvert?

I am an ambivert – meaning I exhibit both personality traits and I have found I need both introverts and extroverts in my life.


PBR: You have a section on pretending to be an extrovert. Do you believe that most people can fake it until they make it or that some people just cannot change?

I think people definitely have the ability to change; it usually requires a lot of hard work but if the desire is there it can definitely happen.


PBR: As a parent of an introverted child, what would you say is the most valuable thing you can teach that child about interacting with the world?

Whether you are introverted or extroverted, you have value and something to contribute to the world. Each of us has talents and strengths to share.


PBR: Is there a certain age when it is determined which way you will lean towards, introvert or extrovert?

There are many theories about this, but these traits are usually exhibited at a very young age. It is often evident as you observe children interact.


PBR: Do you see writing as a career?

Yes, I love to express myself through writing and I have other projects in the planning stage right now.


PBR: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I learned that working with a publisher and agent can be very enjoyable.

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