Title: Freelancers: The Black Shield and the Red Fortune
Author: M.A. Frost
Publisher: PartridgeSingapore
ISBN: 978-1-5437-5954-9
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 267

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Once, there was a war against black magic in a Kingdom facing a civil strife. Rebels gathered to fight, provoked by a corrupt ruler. When the oppression ended, a hero left behind a legacy. Years later, history repeats itself when a King dies. Having no relatives, a former disciple of the King’s, claims to be the successor. His rivals were outraged by the outcome. So once again, the civil war broke out. When warriors discover the secrets behind the war, their struggles peaked. Their enemies become overwhelming with the use of sorcery. Wizards offer their services as mercenaries in the conflict. However, what worsened the situation was a corrupt legacy. There were eleven ancient magic swords that chose its wielders. Each one had a unique ability, but all are instruments of destruction. One warrior found a sword that can reflect magic. It was made to destroy the ancient swords. Cornered by sorcery, how will he level the playing field with all that he had?

About the Author

M. A. Frost is a fan of fantasy and adventure. So, he creates this story to explore the world and sources of magic if any should exist in ancient times and the consequences of having such force to play a role in ancient society.

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