Title: The Universe and Life but Not Everything
Author: Anthony Christian Wright
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 9781524682019
Pages: 140
Genre: Religion & Science

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This book takes the reader on a weird and strange ride through the universe and important aspects of everyday life. This book turns standard thinking and science on its head. I reveal a completely new scientific theory of the creation of the universe, which just happens to match an old one--the original one from Genesis in the Bible. It is a full explanation of the scientific methods God used based on just one universal law. I then go on to analyse life in the modern world and finish off with my analysis of the private life of Jesus Christ as told in the ancient writings.

About the Author

Anthony Christian Wright is an uneducated but self-learned intellect and amateur philosopher. This is his first foray into book writing but there are two more books in the process, the first is an interpretation of the New Testament and the other is an autobiography of a very weird life. His broad extensive knowledge has turned him into a polymath with no particular specialist subject.

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