Title: Untertauchen: A Historical Novel
Author: Arthur M. James
Publisher: Fulton Books
ISBN: 979-8889825449
Pages: 616
Genre: Historical Fiction

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untertauchen. Ger., verb, (1) to dive, plunge; (2) submerge (as a submarine); (3) to disappear, get lost (intentionally), to go underground.

Untertauchen is an historical novel, based on the true story of a German Jewish couple who outlived Hitler’s Thousand-Year Reich. When their summons for “resettlement” arrived in November 1942, they went underground, living a heartbeat away from capture for thirteen months.

The reader will be drawn into the maelstrom of their tortuous existence, from the time of their engagement as the Nazis came to power, until their escape from war-torn Berlin with falsified papers on Christmas Day, 1943. Principle dates and events–the historical and those in their personal lives–are as they were.

About the Author
Art James is a bilingual retired journalist, former TV news anchor and talk show host.
Following his degree in Journalism, he spent three years in Europe, at the University of Vienna Summer School in Austria and four semesters at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.

He now spends his time writing, reading and volunteering at a local senior center, teaching woodcarving and wood-burning. He relaxes at his Lowery organ or Yamaha keyboard and oil painting. He also functions as an Alzheimer’s caregiver. He is currently doing research for another historical novel, set in South Carolina during the Civil War.

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