Title: Baba in the Park (Part 1)
Author: Baldev Singh Sandhu
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5246-7369-7
Pages: 38
Genre: Juvenile Fiction / Stories in Verse

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Baba in the Park is a moral storybook that fosters in children values of love, respecting your elders, helping others, treating everyone the same, and taking a stand against bullying. There is never a dull moment for the person who knows how to enjoy life.

About the Author

Baldev Singh Sandhu is a Punjabi Sikh immigrant who moved to Canada from India in 1989. After writing four religious interpretation books in Punjabi, this is his first English project. He hopes to use his passion for writing to spread positive messages to the next generation. He lives in Brampton, Ontario, where he is currently working on more artistic ventures.

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