Title: My Battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Author: Beckie Butcher
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-4697-7378-0
Pages: 52
Genre: Autobiographical, Memoir, Faith & Healing
Ms. Butcher shares her intense and emotional journey of how the autoimmune disease chronic fatigue syndrome impacted her life from her first symptoms to the progress of her treatment and physical, spiritual and emotional recovery. By sharing with others, she hopes to inspire others to seek help so they may lead better lives as well. She wants them to know there is hope.
About the Author
Ms. Butcher worked as a Lab Technician in various hospitals and laboratories. She is an avid cook when she feels up to it, and in 2005 she published a small cookbook. Ms. Butcher lives in her hometown of Elgin, Il.
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