Title: Mossy: A Whimsical Tale for Children of All Ages “Whsst Tsu Whsst Whsst Tsu”
Author: BetteLou Tobin
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-43436-927-7
Pages: 84
Genre: Children’s Fantasy
About the Author
A graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City, BetteLou took writing courses at Columbia U, did some acting and wrote television scripts with her late husband, Rick Tobin, (Here Come The Brides) , (Ripcord), (That Girl.) BetteLou gives classes and lectures in memoir writing. She has done ghost writing, the Betty Ryan story, “Shelter From The Storm,” and has had how-to books, short stories, articles and poetry published. She is a member of Phoenix Writers Club, Arizona Authors Association, National Association of Women Writers, Phoenix Authors/Speakers Alliance, Phoenix Artists Guild and a juried member of Arizona Art Alliance. Nonfiction: “Write & Publish Your Life Story Guaranteed,” a guide to writing memoirs, published by Windstorm Creative. Fiction: “WOLFCUB,” an action/adventure novel set in the mountain wilderness of the Southwest, published by BookSurge. “Mossy,” a fantasy for children of all ages. A vacationing family encounters a botanical oddity in a forest. “The Red Raincoat,” Short story 2006 first place award, Women Writers of the Desert. Currently submitting her screenplay, “The Bouhler Haus,”a drama taking place during the 1930’s and 40’s in Hitler’s Nazi Germany. She did much research for the screenplay, including traveling to Germany for interviews and archives. BetteLou Tobin grew up in Dover, New Jersey, has resided in NYC, NY, Hollywood, CA and now lives in Phoenix, Arizona. She keeps active with aerobics, swimming and hiking. “I raised a daughter and two sons as well as a pack of wolves and found that gnashing teeth and growling works just as well for disciplining both species.” My wolves were Alaska tundra and Canadian timber gray wolves. I was the Alpha Wolf. They were completely trustworthy, never vicious, really all kissy faces.
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