Title: The Land of Twydell and the Dragon Egg
Author: Daisy Bourne
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1-5246-361-7
Pages: 112
Genre: Fantasy/ Juvenile Fiction

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In this the second book in the Tales of Avalon series, Merlin takes a trip to the neighbouring country of Twydell. As he flies across the countryside on his broomstick, he is puzzled to see a long line of people leaving the capital of Dalton and heading towards the outlying villages. Entire families are leaving the capital. They look ragged and downcast and appear to be taking their possessions with them. As he approaches Dalton, Merlin is shocked to see billowing smoke, and realises that large parts of the city have been destroyed by fire. The wizard learns that the devastation has been caused by a pair of dragons which have lived near the city for many years without any problem. King Frederrick is bewildered as to why the dragons should suddenly seek to attack the Twydellers for no apparent reason. Merlin agrees to help the Twydellers, and he sets off on an unexpected adventure which brings him in contact with dragons and other strange creatures. He also renews his friendship with an old friend and is delighted to meet new ones. If you like stories about magical beings, you will enjoy reading The Land of Twydell and the Dragon Egg.

About the Author

Daisy Bourne was born in 1917. She was unofficially adopted by a farmer and his wife, and her name was changed when she was very young. I am very proud to use my mother’s birth name as a pseudonym when writing the Tales of Avalon series. Later in life, my mum again took up the rural lifestyle she had known as a child. As a child, I too enjoyed spending time in the fields with our cows, pigs, goats, and chicken. That’s me in the photo, at around 1955, sitting on a cow’s back. One of Mum’s talents was to read tea leaves and playing cards. People often used to knock at the door and ask for a reading. We used to be fascinated by the way she articulated what she saw in the cards and the teacups. Mum’s seventh child was a girl whom she named Helen Joyce (we know her as Joy). Joy inherited some of Mum’s talents and is an internationally known clairvoyant and tarot card reader. In this second book in the Tales of Avalon series, I introduce Helen-Joy, the soothsayer, and yes, this character is based on my little sister.

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