Title: First Adult: The First Book of the Adult Trilogy
Author: David Alomes
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781514497371
Pages: 152
Genre: Fiction/General
After many disenchanted journeys to war-torn planet Earth to identify a suitable candidate, Ikara finally discovers enormous potential in Samuel, a small-town lawyer. He transports Samuel to the spaceship at his disposal for this mission and begins Samuel’s training to become an Adult.
The training is simple. Ikara will just give Samuel a story, and in the giving, all will be revealed. But this is no simple tale told from one being to another. This story will be mind transferred, a process with all the punch of reality, and Samuel will have to live through the story as though he was in it.
The story is of Doneel, the founder of the Adult movement, who lived on a world that had been torn apart by a war lasting a thousand years. His is a time of extreme violence, where death is in every corner. If Samuel can survive the story, he will become the most powerful human in history. If he does not, he will be dead.
About the Author
David is a professional numbers man who has surprised himself and everyone he knows by turning his hand to words.
After 25 years as an Accountant in Hobart, he found stories writing themselves in his head.
Growing Up was his first attempt at writing.
From there, he started writing the Adult trilogy – the first book – “First Adult” was published in June 2016. The Second of the trilogy should be published before Christmas 2016.
David writes on the human society and the evolution of a better life for all, if we can just make it happen.
David lives in Hobart, Tasmania, with his wife Helen and is getting to know his new grandchild.
Visit David’s website at www.davidalomes.com
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