Title: The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears – Searching for a furry friend
Author: Donna Carr Roberts
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-5320-6170-7
Pages: 34
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears Searching for a Furry Friend is the first in a series of children’s books about a dog named Mr. Fuzzy Ears. His adventures lead him to meet many animals, and finding his friends at the local Humane Society. The book has several good messages for children about loving and caring for all pets and the importance of supporting your local Humane Society. The many images are created by the author and have an old-fashioned charm with humorous episodes.
About the Author
The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears Searching for a Furry Friend is the first in a series of children’s books about a dog named Mr. Fuzzy Ears. His adventures lead him to meet many animals, and finding his friends at the local Humane Society. The book has several good messages for children about loving and caring for all pets and the importance of supporting your local Humane Society. The many images are created by the author and have an old-fashioned charm with humorous episodes.