Title: Forgiveness: Another Philosophy Novel
Author: Douglas Thiel
Publisher: Amazon
ISBN: 9798372702936
Pages: 273
Genre: Historical Fiction

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This novel follows the life of a soon to be 18 year old Kentucky boy who is wrongfully accused of a sex crime by a disturbed father and when released without an arrest. He volunteers for the draft during the Vietnam War in 1967. Because of enlistment shortfalls he is assigned to the Marine Corps. After Vietnam he joins the LAPD. His journey places him in intense situations that eventually will lead him into philosophical pursuits leaving him questioning the nature of forgiveness for things past.

About the Author

I have been teaching at the community college and university levels as an adjunct instructor in philosophy for twenty years. I have a previous life as a USMC Vietnam Veteran and a career in law enforcement. I saw a need to reduce the price of college texts and believe I have created a win/win scenario with textbooks that closely matches what can reasonably be covered in the classroom during the course of a single semester. I have worked to breathe real life into the various themes that have concerned philosophers since the times of the early Greeks. I was also inspired by the new world of self-publishing to write a novel that explored philosophy in a highly fictionalized setting.

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