Title: Parenting Errors: How to Solve Them
Author: Dr. Kerby T. Alvy
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781543430103
Pages: 132
Genre: Family & Relationships / Parenting
About the Author
A clinical child psychologist, Dr Kerby T Alvy is the founder and director of the 43 year old Center for the Improvement of Child Caring in California, through which he has created parenting programs and projects that have already helped over a million parents nationwide to be more sensitive and eff ective in raising children. He is a prolifi c author of books on parenting, parent education and child abuse prevention. His articles have appeared in such publications as USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and the American Psychologist. He is a passionate advocate for the rights of children and parents. He has received many awards for his and the Center’s programs, including being honored at the White House for enhancing the status and competence of parents. He is a proud father of two adult children who also work professionally to improve the personal lives of others.
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