Title: Tapestry – Poetry and Musings
Author: Edward Schwartz
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5434-4414-8
Pages: 208
Genre: Poetry
About the Author
Ed Schwartz is the author of “Tapestry,” a book of poetry and musings that mirrors his life and marriage of 59 years. He lives in Lake Barrington Shores, a lovely condo community with his wife Joan and a cat named Bridgett. His children, Howard and Deborah, moved respectively to Spokane and Brooklyn leaving a very empty nest .• He started writing poetry when he married in 1959. To Ed His verse should have an intelligible story line and a little twist at the end. Love, marriage and fatherhood were all fodder for his newfound writings. Joan listened to all his poems but did not write until the tragedy of our daughter’s death. This awakened a need to express herself about Deborah’s life and death. After that she never wrote again. Her poems are distinguished by her initials, J.S. Through a lifetime of entrepreneurship and a 17 year stint as a condo and master board president, Ed hopes that you will find enjoyment and humor in this light verse that may mirror moments in your own life.
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