Title: Chorus on a Bridge
Author: Felix Bongjoh
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1546292876
Pages: 280
Genre: Poetry / Education

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Based on a heavy dose of symbolism and metaphor, the poems reflect the ups and downs and the everyday experiences of life in general that make life worth living. Overall, they laud courage and perseverance and point to the trials and tribulations of life that must be overcome as if one were crossing from one bank of a difficult bridge to the other. The bridge is not necessarily a physical structure, although perceiving it as such enables the reader to interpret what the bridge could look like. The more important element, in a metaphorical sense, is what the reader may associate with the variety of experiences. Struggling to survive may lead to success or apparent failure, which spurs us to further effort either to devise better strategies or improve a preferred course of action. Whatever the result, it seems death is mans ultimate fate and should be experienced with the same equanimity as other setbacks and challenges of life.

About the Author

Felix Bongjoh is an International Human Capital Development Consultant for whom poetry has been a passion since he was 15. A graduate of Georgetown University (1978) and Florida State University (1982), he has worked for an international finance organization for some 30 years during which he was exposed to sceneries and cultures of various kinds throughout his travels. His travels rekindled his taste for poetry; and over the years, he has written a substantial amount of poetry and continues to enjoy writing.

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