Title: Wet grass
Author: Francisco Javier Morales E.
Publisher: Palibrio
ISBN: 978-1506522319
Pages: 156
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Literary

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Faced with the possibility of death, the most unexpected anecdotes of life return to visit Javier in the form of memories and dreamlike hallucinations. Existential crises, frustrated love stories, family encounters and friendships. Everything is mixed together to weave a story that narrates the stay of the protagonist in a Mexico City hospital, while he fights to overcome a pneumonia. Maria, Josefina, Lorena and Victoria. In each chapter, the love that one lives from different names and bodies, keeps Javier?s memory in a limbo of painkillers and exhaustion by his illness, seeking to hold, once again, the hand that returns the wish to live. In the end, only the wet grass will suffice to flood, with lucidity and life, the body reflected in the external window of that hospital that harbored his dreams.

About the Author

Francisco Javier Morales E. was born in Mexico City and in 1977 he won a Silver Money Box in the short stories contest sponsored by the Spanish Association of Savings and Loans Institutions. At present he has published two books, Artists in San Miguel and Other Stories and Personal Achievements.

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