Title: Where Losers Live, Heroes Die
Author: Gary Helzer
Publisher: BookVenture Publishing
ISBN: 9781640694170
Pages: 227
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Hans Metzger, nicknamed Cowboy by his U.S. Army Sergeant buddy, Pete, gets in and out of trouble, because of his hunting experiences on the farm and training as a marksman in the army. With a rocky love life and bad luck on the farm, Hans reunites with his army buddy, Pete. They become good, bad guys fighting the bad, bad guys to open a casino in the Bahamas. From Vietnam to stealing cars, ripping off a U.S. National Guard Amory, getting thrown in jail, high jacking a merchant freighter, and burning casino. I present Where Losers Live, Heroes DIE, full of romance, adventures, and lots of action.
About the Author
Gary Helzer was raised on a farm in Idaho. After high school he served in the US Navy before moving to Nevada where he worked in casinos. He has been married to his late wife, Anita, for 36 years.
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