Title: So This Is Where We Stand? How Western Thinking Has Changed over the Last Five Hundred Years
Author: Giovanni Burrascano
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-5320-0229-8
Pages: 192
Genre: Nonfiction / Social Science / Developing & Emerging Countries

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Giovanni Burrascano investigates why and how Western thinking has changed over the last five hundred years, affecting the human condition, natural world, and you. This timely report is a powerful and insightful treatment of today's many social and environmental concerns. Linking historical and more contemporary facts of the last five hundred years, So This Is Where We Stand? provides a concise and clear picture of who we were and of who we are today. This is must-read for anyone seeking answers, wanting a clearer understanding of the underlying dynamics at work affecting you and our world today. If you do not already have some grasp of what's covered in this book, you're missing the big picture about living in this day and age.

About the Author

Giovanni Burrascano lives in Montreal, Canada. Educated at the universities of McGill and Concordia in Montreal, he is well versed in business and has developed a career in commercial real estate and construction in both the private and municipal parapublic sectors. Giovanni has a sincere concern for many social and environmental issues and enjoys family and friends, writing, music, movies, sports, and socializing.


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