Title: The Power of the Green Card
Author: Grant Kennedy
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1524557645
Pages: 206
Genre: Political & Social Sciences

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The book chronicles the green card journeys of ten individuals. It recounts their experiences as most of them went from being law-abiding citizens in their home lands to living in America as fugitives, who are commonly referred to as illegal aliens. In the book, they are given fictionalized names that capture characteristics of their personalities or their struggles or where they came from. The purpose of the book is to give American-born citizens a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of the immigrants’ world, which is completely foreign to most Americans. Despite what some may believe, only a small fraction of the estimated 11.3 million illegal aliens in the United States have committed any crime, other than being an illegal alien. The vast majority are law-abiding people who are just seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Though some may deny it, the American economy benefits from these immigrants’ willingness to do work that most Americans do not want to do, and the fact that they are paid very low wages and work without benefits helps American small businesses to compete and thrive in this new economy. Their faith, intelligence, ingenuity, and courage often result in extraordinary achievement, making America a land where the impossible can become possible. Their experiences often become inspiration for their offspring to actualize their own goals and dreams, helping to maintain America’s standing as the greatest country in the world.

About the Author

Grant Kennedy is an immigrant from Jamaica who has been living in the United States since December 1976. Unlike the immigrants he writes about in this book, he came to America legally, with a green card. But as someone from the immigrant community, he was privy to and was always very intrigued by the stories of hardship and courage of those around him who came to the United States illegally. He was also concerned about how such intelligent, hard-working and inspiring people did not have a voice in the debates about them. And how the US immigration system has been intentionally lax with its enforcement efforts while the US underground economy flourished from the illegal aliens’ ingenuity and cheap, slave-like labor, (which have trickled up to benefit the “real economy”). But now that some ultra nationalist politicians are making illegal immigration issue part of their agenda, it seems that the immigration service is now forced to be over-reaching with its enforcement efforts, which have caused great angst and very difficult conditions in the immigrants’ communities. However, despite the difficult conditions, the immigrants will keep coming by any means necessary– no matter what walls are erected on the borders. Because, in spite of the hardships immigrants face, America is still the most welcoming country and a place where they can have a chance to rise above their circumstances, pursue their dreams, and actualize their God-given potential. Mr. Kennedy is a CPA. He currently lives in Westchester County, New York, with his wife. They have three young adult sons and one grandson. His purpose in writing this book is to give the American reader a glimpse into what immigrants go through to become part of the American experience that so many take for granted.

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