Title: Cyanide: Consumed by a Human Weakness
Author: J. Filter
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781514456248
Pages: 154
Genre: Fiction/Suspense
A terrorist group planned to contaminate a large shipment of drugs and distribute it across the United States. They were attempting to wipe out the entire addict population along with thousands of casual users. Special Agent Ken Riley, who worked for the DEA, went undercover to infiltrate the Columbian cartel after his sister was killed in a drug raid. He vowed to avenge his sister's death only to discover the terrorist’s deadly plot. Can he stop the first biochemical attack on US soil or be captured by the terrorist and be forced to consume the very drug he put his life on the line to save others from?
About the Author
I always wanted to transform from a writer to a published author. Gaining recognition for your work is the ultimate reward. I used to write poetry to flatter the girls. Then I used to rhyme in the corner, participating in many cyphers. Then one day, I heard Ice Cube say if you could rhyme, you could write stories. I never looked back. All I ever needed was faith, and God put the right people in my path to make my dreams come true. Thank you all for reading my book. God Bless.
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