Title: Seeing What Is: The Education Challenges for Teachers and Their Students
Author: Jacqueline Cox Taylor
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1796009712
Genre: Non-Fiction / Education
Pages: 126

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We can decide what we teach but we cannot decide what children will learn. Only the children themselves will decide what to learn. These three manuscripts whilst each being an individual study, are linked in their endeavour to assist children with challenges and diverse learning styles. ‘Seeing what is’ examines three topics , looking through the lenses of Steiner pedagogy comparing findings with current research, historical knowledge, current practises, and close observation of today’s children . How do children learn? What influences their learning? How, can we assess children’s learning ? And how do we decide what is important for children to learn.

About the Author

Born and raised on the North Norfolk coast of Great Britain, I am the only daughter, with three brothers an academic mother ,and a fisherman father from generations of fishing and lifeboat crew. Completing my teaching degree at the Froebel Institute I soon moved into the education sphere of children with diverse learning styles and often challenging behaviours. Raising my five children I discovered Steiner education and have since examined all teaching and learning through the lenses Steiner gave . With an Australian husband I have settled in Queensland and continued the pursuit of ‘seeing what is’. Researching how children learn and how children with challenges and diversity can access the same learning offered to all children. Studying for a doctorate has provided the focus and rigour.

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