Title: The Sanctuary: A Story Exploring Different Responses to Stress Set in a Health Resort in the Tasmanian Wilderness
Author: James Outhwaite
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1-52451-761-8
Pages: 124
Genre: Fiction

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Nine professionals and executives are frustrated by the shattering of their dreams through the unforeseen forces. Each is currently feeling burnt out and has retreated to a health retreat in the Tasmanian wilderness for a week, in order to come to terms with the difficult choices they have to make.

They have many similarities:

-They are all in their thirties.

-They have all been highly successful in their life and career to date.

-They have all been recently overpowered by events, with circumstances beyond their control. Their dreams now lie shattered.

-They are all, therefore, subject to severe stress.

After a snow blizzard cuts them off from the outside world, they are left to work things out for themselves. Events quickly spiral out of control after a suicide on the first night, swiftly followed by a tragic murder. Emotions run high, and feelings that are normally hidden in the private mind soon erupt to the surface. Eventually, they elect a temporary warden, and he is initially successful in bringing things back to seeming normality. However, the pressure-cooker atmosphere soon reveals further underlying tensions, and the book explores differing reactions to the complex events that unfold. In the totally unfamiliar circumstances, some discover inner strengths they never knew they had, some uncover emotional needs which they seek to fulfill, and some cannot cope. In one week, all are challenged by great tension and, in some cases, a resolution of their deepest fears and concerns. For some, new and lasting emotional relationships are formed. For others, complex career issues are clarified, but some lapse into a crisis of confidence. For all, it is an unforgettable week, which changes their lives forever-some for better, some for worse. No one remains unchanged.

About the Author

James Outhwaite was born in England, and gained an MA majoring in English literature at Queens’ College, Cambridge. This was followed by postgraduate studies in business administration at Bristol before he immigrated to Australia in 1966. He then undertook several further studies in organizational and applied psychology and diagnostic profiling.

His fifty-year career has been split evenly between corporate executive life and management consulting. He was a human resources executive in three multinational corporations based in Melbourne before switching midcareer to management consulting and specializing in career counseling, executive coaching, and team effectiveness. His clients have been multinational corporations, professional service firms, large corporations, and individuals throughout the Asia-Pacific region, which he has traveled extensively.

In the nature of his work, he has been deeply involved in stress counseling and in mentoring executives and professionals, which gave him the experience and inspiration to write this book in the hope that (in addition to providing a good read) it may help its readers to manage the increasing stress, which we all encounter in our lives, with more confidence.

James has been married to his wife, Tatiana, for forty-five years and is the proud father of two children and four grandchildren, who live in Salt Lake City, USA, and in Sydney, Australia. In England, he lived in Warwickshire and Wiltshire. In Australia, he initially lived in Hobart and, since 1971, in Melbourne. He describes his main hobbies as golf, yoga, bush-walking, music, travel, and bridge.

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