Title: Free To Fly: Life is a journey it can take you anywhere you choose to go
Author: Jean Bisbey
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 9781524666583
Pages: 116
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
About the Author
Most of the author’s life has been spent asking awkward questions in the hope of finding credible answers. She gives a prelude to this in her two miniautobiographicals, Kindle publications Keep Searching and Widening the Search, both of which sparked an interest to take it further. This book is the result. In it, she not only highlights the suffering and concerns common to everyone, but also discovers a powerful way to tackle them. Her short acquaintance with quantum mechanics opens an exciting new way of thinking to ensure a happier life in spite of the burden carried. Thought is the manifestation of the mind and its power is awesome, and that is probably why this resultant book has been written in her eighty-ninth year of existence. After a checkered career consisting of many years in civil service to music teaching in Canada where she developed a taste for general teaching, she then returned to Scotland and college to qualify for this and concluded her teaching career as deputy head in a large primary school in the West Midlands. While living in Edinburgh, she became involved in theosophy and enjoyed a short spell as honorary librarian in the Theosophical library there. This gave her such food for thought, which has never left her. Mind may be static, but thought is dynamic with potential available to everyone.
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