Title: Native Companions: Dreamtime Mysteries
Author: Jenni Barnett
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781984500519
Pages: 288
Genre: Fantasy

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This is a fictitious fantasy story set in ancient times at unspecified locations of Australia and does not relate to any persons either living or deceased. The dreamtime creations are not drawn from traditional indigenous legends, historical records, or scientific resources. However, I have referenced some indigenous language as well as their fascinating way of life to keep the reader in touch with the unique culture of the remarkable original people of this country. Many Aboriginal languages and customs vary across the great continent with even more having disappeared completely quite recently. Consistent with the nature of fiction, I have polished a number of aspects of aboriginal culture to better enable the reader to relate to the human aspect of life as it may have been. However, I have tried to capture their innocence, character, wisdom, and spirituality that was so important to the survival of tribal communities coexisting with nature in a remote region of the world for thousands of years prior to European settlement.

About the Author
Author bio coming soon.

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