Title: A Coyote Taught Me Poetry: Poetry and Prose Reflections: From the Land of Enchantment to the Sunshine State
Author: Jessica Lyn Elkins
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5245-4929-9
Pages: 142
Genre: Poetry
About the Author
Jessica Lyn Elkins was born in Oklahoma and grew up in a small town in the Texas Panhandle. She moved to New Mexico in 1968 with her husband and two young children. She earned a BA in geography and biology in 1986 from the University of New Mexico and was awarded a master’s of arts in liberal education from St. John’s College in 1988. A varied career path included stints as a general contractor, ice-cream shop owner, and human resources manager for multiline automobile dealers. Jessica Lyn and her husband, Richard, relocated to Alachua County near Gainesville, Florida, in 2010. Her first novel, The Friend in Question, was published in 2015. She finds inspiration for her writing in the diversity of the natural world and the complexity of human relationships.
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