Title: The Horse Killer
Author: Joe Kilgore
Publisher: White Bird Publications
ISBN: 978-1633633148
Genre: Fiction/Mystery
Pages: 126

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One man’s obsession to unravel a mystery leads to an arduous journey, a violent confrontation, a decision that can’t be unmade, and the everlasting weight of unintended consequences. Southwest Texas. 1883. A Texas Ranger comes upon a horse that has been savagely beaten and killed. Soon he learns of the murder of another horse in a nearby town—another white horse. Setting aside other duties, he commits to finding the killer. When a third white horse is slain ritualistically, the Ranger vows to not only find the killer, but to stop him once and for all. Why are the animals being killed? Who is doing it? Can the Ranger find and stop the slayer? And if so, at what cost?

About the Author

Joe Kilgore’s short stories have appeared in magazines, creative journals, anthologies, and online literary publications. He’s also the author of four published novels and one novella. Prior to writing fiction, Joe had a long and distinguished career creating television and radio commercials plus magazine, newspaper, outdoor, and Internet advertising for international advertising agency, Ogilvy & Mather. When not developing his own work, he writes novel reviews professionally for multiple organizations. Joe lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, an accomplished painter, plus a dog, two cats, and various animals that occasionally wander by.



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