Title: Dark Legends
Author: Josh Stevens
ISBN: 978-1728363011
Genre: Fantasy Action & Adventure / Science Fiction
Pages: 302

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On a distant world, with a history bloodier than our own, a civilization slowly marches to its end. The people of this world now begin the search for a new home, before its too late. Two men with ties to the fate of their civilization, one of an ancient evil, the other descended from the hero of legends. From the shadows, the evil returns to destroy their world. In the pinnacle of their civilizations’ power, their world shall fall prey to a family that wants nothing more than burn the universe. With a push of a button, the evil destroyed their sun and their solar system in revenge for his family. In the aftermath of the destruction, two ships battle it out and land in our solar system. Now, rising from the ashes of their civilization, a hero emerges who will stop at nothing to end the evil that destroyed his world. With the aid of humanity and his crew, our hero will push the limits to find an end to this war. Who will win?

About the Author

I grew up in a small town in southeast Texas near Houston with my grandparents and sister in a nice neighborhood. Quite simply I am just a simple man, easy going but have a temper worse than most people I know. My family have their own quirks, but they are still family and I accept that. I am a Navy veteran, just like my grandfather and a few other relatives in my family. After I got out of the navy, eventually I went back to school and earned a bachelor’s degree in electronics, being the only member of my family that went to college. Both of those were something I never thought I could do, given how I am, but in retrospect both were something that I still cherish. For a few years, I was still searching for what I truly wanted in life, but that all changed. Within the last few years, I moved to a small town called Danube Minnesota, which is smaller than I am used to. My life has changed for the better, and I could not have done it without friends, family, and my fiancee.

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