Title: Machine
Author: Julio Ortiz
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781984513908
Pages: 100
Genre: Fiction / Thriller Crime

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There is a time and a place for everything; everyone eventually finds what they are looking for, or was it meant to be found? Was that person meant to seek it? For Leonardo Cortez, seeking answers could prove to be too much to handle, uniting past experiences with future results all necessary for him to overcome adversity and build within himself. Join Leo as he searches for answers through a group of people who are being led without a leader. For people who live a life they don’t even know exists, the only link among them is a recognizable tattoo resembling a link with computers, circuits. To some it’s just a tattoo, to others it’s a profound way of life—enjoying social events, money, and work at a consistent pace. To others the merger of Machine is seen as an instrument to a means involving organized crime bosses, provoking the weak-minded into their downfall. This story raises a crossroad view of our anticipation for a mixture between man and machine, in which your point of view determines you fate.

About the Author

Author bio coming soon.

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