Title: Love Over Lust – How Love Overcame the Power of Sexual Addition
Author: Karen Valiant
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 9780595091775
Pages: 168
Genre: Psychology / Human Sexuality

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We all fall in love. We make a lifetime commitment. We work through lifes ups and downs. But how do we cope with the discovery that our mate has lost his/her soul to the consuming power of multiple addictions? How do we survive the ultimate pain that accompanies sexual addiction? Love Over Lust is a true story. The stage is set as Mike decides to re-involve himself with his addictive chemical of choice: alcohol. Mike and Karen are going through a stressful period in their lives. Mike's addictive personality is activated as he progresses from social drinking to daily drinking to drunkenness. What began as an innocent curiosity with pornography quickly escalated into a costly relationship with a nude dancer. The seductive nature of sexual lust nearly destroyed their 14-year marriage. As Mike's secrets are uncovered, Love Over Lust tells the story of Karen Valiant's mission to understand and overcome the chaotic events in their lives. She shares her shattered spirit with you and her prescription for healing: ...Healing begins with a recovery commitment of the couple.

About the Author

Karen Valiant has more than twenty year’s experience counseling others. She is licensed by the Department of Education. Karen’s experiences with her husband’s addiction problems have led her on her personal journey of research, understanding, faith, and healing. Her story now offers others hope for overcoming the traumatic effects of addictions.

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