Title: Radha: Love, War, and Renunciation
Author: Krishna Dharabasi
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781543470109
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 354

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Radha, an award-winning novel by Krishna Dharabasi, is a mythopoetic fiction that relies on a subject drawn from the epic Mahabharata with a special focus on the lives and relations between Krishna and Radha. Written from Radha’s perspective, the novel excavates those subtle and discursive social constructs of that era that barred a woman from exercising her free will and licensed a man for following his unrestrained desires. The novel peels out those myth-making endeavors that gave Krishna an aura of a godlike personality and left Radha waiting on the fringe of the society to see his return and fulfillment of her desire.

About the Author

About the Author Krishna Dharabasi (b. 1960) is a renowned Nepali novelist and poet. He made his debut in writing in 1975 and has since then published in a number of genres including poetry, criticism, and fictions, novel being his most dominant field of work. His Radha won Madan Puraskar, the most prestigious literary award in Nepal, which gave him an international repute. Since then, he has published more than a dozen novels. He usually chooses psychology of the lonely characters, women’s struggle for equity, sentiments of the marginal population, and psychosexual world of the socially othered population as his theme.

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