Title: The Golden Princess
Author: L.R. Garner
Publisher: XlibrisNZ
ISBN: 9781493137701
Pages: 244
Genre: Fiction

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Alice took a deep breath and faced the menace. As she did so Alwyn, who had also recovered his feet, rushed at her to drag her away to safety. He grabbed her around the waist but Alice swept him aside with a powerful, and almost casual, swing of her arm, sending him flying backwards. The beast, which had started to advance toward her, stopped. As Alice's power began to work on it, it gradually began to shrink and fade. She took one pace toward the beast and it disappeared completely. From where he was lying, Alwyn saw all that she did. This was not the Alice he knew. What he could see was a tall, strong, stone faced, hard woman with eyes that were glowing white. This was not his Alice!.

About the Author

L. R. (String) Garner, born in Lyttelton, New Zealand, in 1932, spent the majority of his working life in the New Zealand Army. This included two periods of active service in Borneo and Vietnam. During his service, he has co- authored books such as Regulations and Standing Orders. On retirement, he wrote a number of short stories and entered them into competitions and received some nice compliments but no prizes. The Golden Princess was written over a period of ten years, a chapter every three months, for granddaughters and great-nieces in order to keep the spreading family in touch with each other.

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