Title: Remembrances: A Written and Illustrated Coloring Book for Adults
Author: Leah Palm
Illustrator: James Schoppe
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781514454244
Pages: 50
Genre: Coloring Book / Humor / Topic / Animals

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written and illustrated coloring book especially for adults. These short nonfictional stories will bring you a smile or a memory. You will find stories concerning cats, dogs, bicycles, ducks, chickens, birds, a grandmother, a father, a mother, and more.

In addition, you will find an illustration to be colored that depicts the story.

Also, the pages of stories and illustrations are perforated so you may separate and frame them. The illustrations are printed on acid free paper for quality finishing. You will be proud to keep them or give them as gifts.

All the stories and illustrations need are for you to read and color them.

About the Author

The author, Leah Palm, is a seventy-seven-year-old novice writer.  She was born in Everett, Massachusetts, on April 23, 1938. She is currently wheelchair-bound because of Parkinson’s.  She paints paint-by-number scenes to pass the time, and it adds pleasure to each day.

Then one day, after perusing through her thoughts for several years, she decided to create a written and illustrated coloring book for adults. The book was to develop from older people’s remembrances.

Leah Palm grew up as an “army brat.”  She also spent twenty-two years in the U.S. Army, Army Medical Specialist Corps, from 1965 to 1987. During those years, she worked as an occupational therapist.  You will note a smattering of the military influence on some of the stories and illustrations.

While in the military, she published two articles, one in the Military Medicine Journal, also one in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  These were “Report of a Survey on the Role of Occupational Therapy Personnel in the Event of Mobilization” and “Dynamic Splinting for Dorsal Burns of the Hand.”

Please enjoy reading and coloring these remembrances collected from several people.

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