Title: Reimburse the Universe
Author: Lisa McDonald
Illustrated by: Lara Aiken & Paul Schultz
Publisher: Lisa McDonald
Pages: 38
Genre: Children’s book/Self-Improvement

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Reimburse the Universe takes the reader on a journey that encourages them to recognize the beauty in themselves and the world around them, and how to foster that beauty in their actions in everyday life. Beautifully illustrated by Jaded Dragon Studios (http://www.jadeddragon.ca), Lisa McDonald's second book is guaranteed to bring a smile to your children while imparting an important lesson: we must give back in order to appreciate what we've been given.

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About the Author:

Lisa McDonald is many things to many people. The most important however, is loving mother to two beautiful children.

At the heart and core of Lisa’s personal foundation and journey through life is an unwavering passion and commitment to her community and service to others.

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